Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So Long, So Long, So Long...

...And thanks for all the fish. No really, my big trip around the world starts tomorrow (!!!) and for the trip I'm moving to new blogging headquarters at Where Is Yvette? for a few reasons, all relating to me wanting to geek out a little with Blog 2.0 (there's a map! and you can sign up for email updates with the link underneath the map! and a pony, and...). So please update your bookmarks accordingly for the next six months at least, and let me know if you've any suggestions.

Ok, see ya! Catch you all on the flipside.


Irfan Mahmood said...

I like this type of activities. keep it up.

bluegreen kirk said...

Visited the the new blog looks great will come here to read some of your all post.