Thursday, May 24, 2007

Saturday Morning Memories

If you grew up in either the late 80s or early 90s, you probably spent Saturday mornings at 9am watching Garfield and Friends. If you did not have the esteemed luck of doing so, you probably missed out on the best Saturday morning cartoon show of all time...

I've spent a frightfully long amount of time searching out old Garfield cartoons on YouTube (there was also the US Acres part of the show, but did anyone really like that part?), and the above is my favorite. If you have any poetic experience you will figure out very easily that it's a frightfully clever set of lyrics, to the point where I personally think I wouldn't mind a job as a cartoon lyricist. I'd even be willing to leave out the physics jokes...

Anyway, I posted the clip here in hopes that you guys would enjoy reliving your childhoods just a little bit, or see what you were missing out on. Plus if you ever thought our cartoons were cooler than the ones on today Garfield and Friends is your proof... check out the other ones online if you are not yet satisfied...